Saturday, 24 July 2010

Amerie Changes Her Name

So I am back and posting and I have a ton of updates to do. To start off I thought I would go lightly with the news of Amerie's name change and my thoughts. This is fairly old news but I want to catch up and throw my two cents in.
So, just in case you haven't heard yet, Amerie has now changed her name to...


On the reason for changing her name to add an extra 'i' she said the following to Rap-Up:
“I operate on vibes and intuition, and I believe everything is energy; the vibration of the double I is right for me. Slightly different spelling, completely same pronunciation!”
So, the extra 'i' is all to do with positivity, etc for her new upcoming album 'Cymatika Vol 1'. I really think its the most stupid thing I have heard. I know that I will completely dismiss the fact she added an extra 'i' because otherwise it just confuses matters.

What are your thoughts on this?


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