Wednesday, 13 January 2010

New 24/7 Layout - We Are Back!

After a very short amount of time, I have got the layout applied and the blog is back in business. Thanks for being patient. I now have time to write any posts needing, but I am pretty sure there are not any as leaks have been pretty quiet for a few days.
I would like to take the opportunity to ask everyone who visits to take part in the poll as it closes in a few days.
Also if there are any artists or producers out there who would like me to feature there tracks exclusively (or not) then please post a message in the chatbox as all messages get read and will be replied to (unless obviously stupid posts). Also be warned if anyone spams or posts any stuff that is offensive or abusive then I will ban them.
You will notice that I am still in the process of updating little bits but nothing major will change. I have got a new chatbox so make sure you christen it by posting me a message or two as your comments mean a lot.
I will be getting a new music player soon to post on the side, which I will let you know about, and I am also thinking of posting a schedule and doing a few features every week. So stay tuned and thanks for your support.

Enjoy :)

I am currently looking for someone who would like to create a header to go on the top of the blog. I am going to make my own but I cannot see it being too good. So if you are interested in creating one and you have some experience let me know via email or the chatbox. Thanks


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